
All the companies present in RIBES-Nest

Companies and Knowledge Entities (Universities and Research Centers) who adopt the model of innovative networks to increase the development of some highly innovative sectors are RIBES-Nest members.


The Tre Valli Agricultural Cooperative transforms the products conferred by its members and operates in Italy mainly in Veneto, Emilia, Lombardy and Friuli. The main activity is the slaughter of poultry, rabbit and pig species as well as the transformation and processing of meat and egg products, with final sale of the food products obtained. The contribution to RIBES-Nest derives from the availability of a network of interconnected laboratories that monitor quality throughout the supply chain. As part of the research, analysis and quality control activities, the Cooperative manages a Chemistry Laboratory, completed in 2018, which allows the development of chemical analyzes with the most modern analytical techniques available today. The equipment includes the main instrumental analytical techniques (HPLC, GC, ICPMS, LCMS, GCMS, IC) that allow you to perform analyzes in various areas of the agro-food sector such as water, contaminants on feed and food, process controls, nutritional parameters and additives and a Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Diagnostics that performs molecular biology, serology, diagnostics, food microbiology and diagnostic microbiology analyzes with accredited methodologies to guarantee food safety and product excellence.


The group is a national leader and one of the leading European agro-food companies. It manages a chain that goes from the formulation of feeds to the proposal of food products to the final consumer.
AIA – VERONESI uses a team of biologists, veterinarians, agronomists and researchers who work both in internal laboratories equipped with sophisticated analysis systems as well as directly in the field to combine tradition with the most advanced technologies in the production of feeds. All this with an important aim: to offer high quality products with increasingly targeted nutritional components, identifying genetic and race lines able to respond to market dynamics. The Partner can significantly collaborate in transferring to the network the importance of attention and constant control of the quality of the raw material. This often focuses on feed safety, which is necessary both for animal health, for the environment and for food products of animal origin. In fact, the close link between the safety of animal food and foodstuffs depends on a number of factors including the species and age of the animals, the type of food produced, the nutritional value of the feed, as well as geographical factors, such as soil type and climate.


The company is known nationally and internationally for the expertise developed in the compounds of thermoplastic materials in the various applications. A qualified R & D has allowed API to enter the field of bioplastics.Thanks to the knowledge of the interactive behavior between the various polymers, the company is able to offer customers innovative and tailor-made solutions, for example, in the sectors of agriculture and animal husbandry, hygiene and medical, industrial and packaging. These materials are based on biodegradable components or deriving from renewable and vegetable sources, contributing to the saving of fossil resources, the reduction of CO2, the efficiency in the use of biomass and the development of depressed areas that are unfit for food crops.
API is a qualified partner in creating innovative products and responds to the trends and needs of a market that is increasingly sensitive to environmental sustainability issues.
Its experience in applying the Life Cycle Assessment to these developments allows API to measure and guarantee the level of environmental sustainability translating it into an industrial level.


Quality, innovation and dynamism. These are the three pillars that have made Atlas Filtri a point of reference in our country. It has operated in the filtration and water treatment market, both in the domestic and industrial sectorsfor over 40 years. Today, ALTAS FILTRI looks to the future with the same enthusiasm and determination it had in the beginning. A strong technological connotation and the application of strict production standards have characterized the history of this organization from Padova. Its commitment to a sustainable future is constantly present. Thanks to the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 certification, Atlas Filtri confirms its attention to the environment, moving towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the use of highly recyclable plastics. Its consolidated experience in the sector and the continuous development of modern solutions, both in the more traditional water treatment processes and in those that involve the use of advanced techniques is a guaranteed contribution to the network.
Its goal is to guarantee the best water quality, both from an organoleptic and a safety point of view.


The Company is a spin-off of the University of Padua, founded in 2004, certified ISO 9001, accredited by MIUR; it provides DNA analysis, in particular sequencing; the staff has strong expertise in genomics, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and bioinformatics, as well as information technology and automation. The services are addressed to the research world and recently also to new markets. 1) Microbiome area: the microbiome analysis is a new frontier of industrial innovation for companies that deal with probiotics, supplements and functional foods, but also for agro-food companies who want to learn more about their product and extend their shelf-life or solve problems of microbiological origin, 2) Human genetic area: offers DNA analysis for diagnostic purposes and for individual recognition and paternity. 3) Custom projects area: the company develops commissioned projects for research institutions and companies that seek answers in DNA.


The Company is the oldest company operating in the milk sector and it is characterized by its propensity towoards internationalization and the opening of new markets. In the transformation of products, new methods and innovations are sought in production, processing, transformation and conservation, as well as in the low environmental impact of the technologies used and waste.
The attention in the diversification of products, in the search for high quality, in the maintenance of an “artisan” type of production are characteristics that can constitute an example and a model for the network also according to the value given to the nutritional and traditional characteristics of the product.
The value of the food product, its effectiveness for the wellbeing and health of the final consumer (without ever neglecting the local typicality), together with the use of advanced technologies, give the company’s products a high quality level and, in the future, Brazzale will able to respond to some critical issues due to food intolerances (towards the same lactose) and to some food disorders.


The Firm operates in the market segment of the Protection of intellectual property and related activities, with diversified expertise and a particular focus on chemistry, pharmaceuticals and more recently biotechnologies.
The technical assistance offered by Cantaluppi & Partners allows customers to avoid errors that may have serious repercussions, perhaps after years, when significant financial efforts have already been made by the Customer and/or other Collaborators (Univ., R & D Centers, et.).
The presence of a patent study specializing in many sectors represented in the network is the answer to a need expressed by the Partners, mainly SMEs, which evaluate intellectual property as a tool for growth and development towards future partnerships and collaborations. The function of the patented technology is often transversal to different sectors of application, hence the need to link technologies with different functions that find application in the same field (e.g. grain derivatives, vegetable/animal transformations, etc.) to ensure a decisive and more informed economic drive.


Padua-based company that deals with the production and trade, both retail and wholesale, of gluten-free and lactose-free fresh pasta. It is produced entirely in our artisan laboratory in Rubano (PD), the result of a very long and intense experimentation work. We only use the best raw materials available on the market; all certified gluten and lactose free. In our factory, we therefore guarantee non-contamination safety, thanks to precise controls on all incoming raw materials. Our product does NOT contain added preservatives of any kind. We have dedicated energy and resources to experiment and obtain a special, good, healthy and safe product with the technological characteristics we wanted. But research continues and the goal is to perfect ourselves and propose new ideas also thanks to the contribution of external collaborations for a gluten-free diet that is increasingly full of delicious things! Pasta, a fundamental ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, is recognized as nutritionally balanced and healthy.


Vicenza-based company that deals with the production, processing, transformation and marketing of fresh milk, ESL milk, Uht milk, yogurt, probiotic, cream and vegetable drinks based on soy, rice, oats, almonds and coconut. Centrale del latte di Vicenza also carries out the trade and export of food products, nationally and in the markets of the Middle East and now also in the US market for vegetable drinks, using its own brand, brands of the companies of the group and other brands of companies specialized in export. The company underwent a major renovation in 2008 with the construction of a new plant, equipped with new technologies introduced to achieve maximum safety and efficiency of the production lines. The company carries out research and innovation activities in collaboration with the University of Padua and with the ULSS of Vicenza. The results of some research projects have been published in international journals and are available on the company website. Participating in RIBES-Nest represents an important opportunity for Centrale del latte di Vicenza to share interdisciplinary research projects and to build synergies both in research and in the development of new products.


The Company is the main Italian industrial group active in the collection of cereals (wheat and maize) and in the processing of oil seeds (soybean, rapeseed, sunflower) for food and industrial uses, with a total processing capacity of more than 1.5 million of tons/year of raw materials. It is the national leader in the production of flours and vegetable oils. These important assets and the ability to interact with numerous Knowledge Entities make it a relevant partner for the network and, above all, for the particular attention dedicated to improving cereal cultivation techniques, food safety and reducing crop impact. The company is active on a global scale and entertains supply agreements with South American production companies (Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay), North American (Canada) and European countries and is a privileged speaker for the main transformers of raw materials of agricultural origin. These features will allow the network to be able to interact in output and input in the improvement of raw materials with particular attention to the quality and sustainability of production.


The company, even if it already has a market with some large customers and partners, is a newly established one. It was founded with the objective of using the latest technology to support and protect agriculture. In this way, it intends to support, through a qualified and directly applicable R & D, high technological value products and services especially in the viticultural, oenological and environmental fields. The founding element of the company is the attention to the needs of its sector and the curiosity for innovations, in addition to professional updating and constant attention to the customer.
With these assumptions, it is easy to understand the role that the Company can play to support the development of the network’s activities. In fact, the activation of important collaborations with other companies in the sector – or similar ones – and some Knowledge Entities will have the objective of guaranteeing the safety of food (above all beverages) in all aspects of the food production chain, starting from the production of the raw material, strengthening a particularly important economic sector for the territory.


The company was founded in the nineties and, today, it is a dynamic reality specialized in the production of raw materials and in the formulation of innovative high-value products. From the beginning, the founders have been able to see beyond. In fact, the constant commitment to research and collaboration with some university centers, have allowed the company to establish itself as a leader in the extrusion market. The core business revolves around dairy cattle and meat, but over the years Cortal has been able to propose the ideal diet for pigs, horses and dogs. All incoming raw materials are subjected to strict physical-chemical checks followed by other analyzes useful for the traceability of the individual batches in each production phase to guarantee the absolute and complete safety of products. Thanks to these characteristics, thanks to the attention and commitment to the demand of consumers/breeders, to the guarantee of quality and to the safety of products for larger farms and in particular for localized ones in regional areas, Cortal plays an important role within the network.


Depuracque have been a specialist in the environmental sector, in the design and construction of liquid waste treatment plants, reclamation and environmental protection, waste management and disposal on proprietary platforms, with sustainable production processes and applying techniques with reduced energy consumption since 1971. In the field of environmental redevelopment of contaminated sites, it pays attention to the environmental components and to the safeguarding of the territory by acting in a targeted manner on anthropogenic contaminants with “in situ” and ” on site” technologies. The proven experience will provide an adequate added value to the network that has among its purposes the evaluation and enhancement of the supply chain in food production in a more compatible with the ecosystem.
The contribution to the partnership of Depuracque will be in the development of techniques and solutions for the restoration of the environment and human health, applying sustainable technologies and will support new products and / or services, but also the cultural growth towards an increasingly sustainable production.


The company operates mainly in the goldsmith sector and more recently it has approached the dental one thanks to its long and consolidated experience in stereolithography. Until now, the technologies employed have allowed the company to create jewels and new-generation end products that can not be produced with traditional technologies and have allowed DWS to enter new market segments, such as orthodontics, guaranteeing innovative product standards, but above all by placing the emphasis on the possibility of customizing the finished product, thus offering an innovative service focused on wellbeing and human health.
The presence of DWS within the network is a valuable contribution especially for the medical devices sector, which play a strategic role in the protection of human health (in terms of clinical outcomes and efficiency of the health system) for constant monitoring through tools and methodologies that are increasingly performing and adequate for food pathologies and aging complications .


The company is part of a group of innovative companies at the forefront of scientific research, production and technical assistance. In particular, it deals with environmental controls and materials and is able to support the activities of the network thanks to the specific skills acquired on issues related to the purification of industrial and civil water, to the control of drinking water, analysis for the disposal of waste, air and emission control, and chemical investigations. It specializes in the microbiological and sustainable development of nanotechnologies to offer control services to companies in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.
The EcamRicert laboratory is able to provide adequate input to the network, also in terms of cultural development, on the issue of health and well-being as its activities are directed to the improvement of particularly innovative sectors such as sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health, transformation processes innovative food and production sustainability.


The company is newly established and founded by the will and expertise of it founders who understood the growing value and attention that, today, are given to food. The company carries out R & D applied to nutraceutical products, in particular obtained from natural extracts, especially of plant origin, aimed at developing original and innovative formulations for food supplements and functional foods.
The contribution of this young reality to the network will be to support the search for the best solutions to protect health and, in synergy with partners in different sectors (eg diagnostic), to improve the quality of its product and demonstrate its functional characteristics. This is matched by the availability and passion, typical of young companies and a significant curiosity towards innovative integrative products for improving the quality of life and encouraging “active” aging.


The company was founded in 2001 as an Italian branch of a multinational of German origin, the Euroimmun AG and it is the only branch present in Italy. Euroimmun AG was founded in Germany in 1987 thanks to a collaboration with the University of Lübeck, with expertise in immunology, cell biology, histology, biochemistry and molecular biology. The Italian branch mainly deals with laboratory kits used for the diagnosis of autoimmune, infectious and allergological diseases. Euroimmun Italia has a section dedicated to Quality (Institute for Quality Assurance) which organizes evaluation programs and tests to maintain high standards in coherence with headquarters and to correctly communicate with the external laboratories to which it supplies its products.
The Partner is of significant importance for the network because the experience, the international approach and the consolidated relationships with Universities and Research Centers can contribute to strengthening the partnership and develop prevention systems in various diseases (especially of allergenic nature) and improve the quality of life.


The company deals with molecular diagnostics, veterinary, environmental and food, through high research and development applied to the implementation of diagnostic kits in the field mainly health. The collaboration with Institutions for the creation of products dedicated to diagnostics, the correct use of public economic contributions, can stimulate other partners towards these activities. Furthermore, the high innovative content of the products determines a valid model for small businesses in some specialized areas. Advanced diagnostics has today a strategic role, in health care (in terms of clinical outcomes and health efficiency) and in a preventive key to improving health.
Thanks to these characteristics, the company will be able to collaborate in a dynamic and constructive manner with numerous partners present in the network, providing specific skills and interesting bases for the development and application of new technologies to the diagnostic sector in the food sec


Fidia Farmaceutici is an Italian company founded in 1946. It is a world leader in research and development and marketing of products based on hyaluronic acid and its derivatives, which find different applications in the biomedical field, in areas such as rheumatology, orthopedics, surgery, repair tissue and dermo-esthetics, with a worldwide leadership in viscosupplementation.
Fidia Farmaceutici boasts a consolidated market both nationally and abroad: in Italy it has two production plants, one in Abano Terme, where the company is based, and the other in Noto, Sicily, with a turnover that exceeds 300 million euros, of which over 70% generated abroad. In fact, while maintaining solid roots in Italy, Fidia Pharmaceuticals has a strong vocation to internationalization, determined by its long tradition of investment in research and development of new products that distributes in over 100 countries worldwide, thanks to a consolidated network of partners and distributors operating in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sector, both locally and internationally, and to commercial branches located in strategic markets such as the United States, Kazakhstan, Germany, Spain, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Middle East. Thanks to its investments in research, it has managed to build a long tradition of innovative products, with over 900 patents under its control, of which more than 650 hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights.


The company was founded in 1918 with characteristics of craftsmanship and the respect of traditions, and still today, operates maintaining family traditions mainly in the bakery and pastry sector. The attention of entrepreneurs has always been constantly directed towards process and product innovation; therefore, entrepreneurs need to be informed and quickly obtain new types of and highly innovative raw materials (preparations, blends, yeasts) to satisfy the changed production requirement and the new request from the final customer.
Recently, Grandi Forni Bellunesi is focusing its attention on innovative and sustainable transformation processes and on the improvement of raw materials, on the traceability and quality of gluten-free products. The opening of new markets, such as those for food intolerances, will allow the company to establish new synergies for the improvement and enhancement of local and typical food and agricultural products, also through the network.


A leading company in the field of organic fertilizers, I.L.S.A. has always been able to satisfy the market by responding with innovation to the demands of a more demanding and specialized agriculture. Attentive to the constant improvement of production processes and to the creation of new highly effective products for the maintenance of land and plant properties, the company actively collaborates with universities and research institutes in Italy and abroad, confirming its vocation to innovation and attention to the environment.
Hence the importance of the role, in the network, of a Partner with these characteristics, with a competence so qualified in the field of biological fertilizers, designed in full respect of the land and biodiversity and with the aim of increasing soil fertility and to promote the growth of quality raw materials. Furthermore, the use of completely natural products and bio-stimulants with low environmental impact allows plants to be sustained during their physiological development, guaranteeing quantity and quality of final productions..


A leading company in the premium segment of the market for hard cheeses 100% Italian Milk, Industria Casearia Siliva Belladella is the fruit of the Italian tradition and stands out for quality and innovation. The company takes care of ingredients for human nutrition, infant nutrition and the application of whey proteins for technological purposes, especially by cultivating and maintaining the supply chain relationships with its suppliers to learn about various environments, techniques and origins of raw materials, thus guaranteeing the safety and genuineness of its products. This company searches for the enhancement of whey proteins that come from cheese making from raw, unpasteurized milk and that are, therefore, highly digestible and ready to be used in the metabolism. The standardization of the permeate food title is decisive for the enhancement of the sugar component. For these reasons Ind.Cas.Belladelli will be able to make an effective contribution to the research network, in collaboration with the Universities, in the acquisition of innovative production methods and production processes for the product and consumer needs.


The company has been working in the field of animal genetics for 40 years to provide the animal husbandry market with tools and methodologies able to help farmers and operators in the dairy industry and to improve the animal population according to specific needs of livestock farms mainly within the national territory.
Among the selection objectives, those considered are: the increase in the overall efficiency of the herd, the improvement of functional characteristics, above all the longevity and fertility of livestock and the quality of milk for processing. Intermizoo represents a partner who is able to provide scientific tools useful for the improvement of animals and consequently of products to meet the continuous market demands on safety and the absence of harmful substances for animal and human health and a certified supply chain product. Furthermore, the Company will be able to collaborate to support the processes of energy conversion of products of agricultural origin, adoptable on an industrial scale, to the benefit of environmental and socio-economic benefits, of the partnership.


The company was founded in 2001 and deals with services for companies and institutions in the field of R & D with methodologies based on the constant monitoring of innovations to support companies in strategic choices according to the concept of “performing innovation”. The experience gained, through the collaboration with the Implementing Subject of an initiative dedicated to biotech research and its applications in support of companies, has enabled the Company to continue, with proven results, the activity on these issues started in 2004 and develop a constructive relationship with SMEs in the area, also through the identification of new opportunities in the framework of community, national and regional research programs.
In the network, the Partner will operate in a concrete way to guarantee the continuous monitoring of emerged and/or latent needs coming from the companies and, in close collaboration with the Institutions, to identify the actions necessary for the realization of projects and activities also of cross-fertilization useful for the development of initiatives dedicated to the Focus identified by RIBES-NEST.


The company was born from a tradition of galenic preparations already present in the family pharmacy and, today, represents a reality in the dermocosmetic landscape with over 30 years of experience dealing with research, development, consulting, production and marketing of cosmetics, perfumes, medical devices for dermatological use and food supplements with its own brand and for third parties.
Thanks to its expertise, technologically advanced equipment and continuous product innovation, it develops formulas to meet the scientific and market needs oriented towards wellbeing and health.
The particularly qualified product and the constantly evolving niche sector targeted by Kalis could allow it to play a significant role in the network as well as to develop types of products indicated for the treatment of many skin diseases also linked to metabolism. The Partner could respond competently and effectively to the demands of a market in which research, safety and functionality require particular attention.


Located in Giavera del Montello (Tv), the company produces and sells organic kiwi and its processed products.
Kiwiny is characterized by its innovative approach linked to strong cultural roots: born as an agricultural company, when the two Breitenberger brothers took over the management of the kiwi plantations, for twenty years it cultivated kiwi according to the methods of organic farming as done by their parents, but it is now enriched by the value of sustainability, with the installation of a 100 kw photovoltaic plant and the choice of eco-friendly packaging.
From an organic-certified production, to automated control systems, Kiwiny aims at the quality of the product, guaranteeing the maintenance of the nutritive properties of the kiwifruit in all the phases of transformation. Since 2012, the idea of a kiwi comfortable for consumption is expressed in different formats and with the development of new products designed to make consumption easier and enhance the health qualities of this “Superfruit”
The constant participation in international trade fairs in the sector and the percentage of export sales equal 80% and make Kiwiny a company that interprets the needs of global markets.
Passion and innovation allowed Kiwiny to receive recognition as one of the “25 most innovative companies in the Agro-Food” in Italy at the Milan Expo in 2015.


Labomar is an innovative company specialized in research and development and production of nutraceutical products, medical devices and cosmetics. Progressively affirmed as a partner of technological and productive development of important operators of the pharmaceutical industry on a supranational scale and thanks to the good results it achieved, Labomar has been able to pursue a development path strongly oriented towards innovation since the its early years. Its R & D Division, is a true hub of design development in which an applied research activity that continues unceasingly is aimed at improving the effectiveness and quality of the products made for its customers in compliance with the highest industry standards and in compliance with numerous certifications (ISO and cGMP FS).
The orientation towards continuous research and to the understanding and satisfaction of customer needs represent the added value that the Partner can bring to the network which, in turn, will allow Labomar to experiment in different market segments with products also intended for new therapeutic areas for the company.


Landlab is an Applied Research center: its primary objective is to make a significant contribution to the change taking place in global agriculture through the innovation and development of “sweet” plants, products and techniques, respectful of the resources as soil, nature, operators and consumers. The heart of Landlab is a group of people with a diverse scientific background (agronomy, ecology, biology, biotechnology), a strong shared ethic, that works within a structure equipped with constantly growing and evolving technologies. The business model, in continuous cooperation with global players, is articulated in different ways: -a- supply of applied research services; -b- design and development of products based on specific proposals by partners / suggested by Landlab, conducting related experimental research; -c- improvement and intra moenia development of plants and products, with a high sustainability profile. The company, within the RIBES-Nest network, is a candidate to support projects aimed at the development of specialties for the improvement of the qualitative and quantitative performance of plants for food & feed, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and in line with its own identity.


The company operates in the production of milk with its own producer members who transform drinking milk, cheese and dairy products. It is an important Partner for its competence and professionalism in the production of quality food for the attention dedicated to the concept of supply chain, to the use of innovative technologies for the sector. Training is strategic for the company as it is a time to share the values of tradition, taste and typicality as well as innovation and research on the issues of health, wellbeing and enhancement of the nutritive properties of milk and its derivatives .
A contribution to the network will be given by its representativeness in the scenario and by the ability to be proactive for “a different exploitation” and use of dairy products in response to an increasingly domestic and foreign demand based on genuineness and functionality for the wellbeing of the consumers. The territorial representativeness could generate a positive impact on a chain with a high level of typicality and allow the network to enhance some types of dairy products.


The company is a company based in Adria (RO), was established in 2012 and 100% owned by Novamont SpA, a pioneer and world leader in the development of bioplastics and bioproducts. The company carries out research and development and production of chemical intermediates obtained from renewable raw materials through fermentation processes. In particular, Mater-Biotech represents the first industrial plant in the world dedicated to the production of 1,4 -butanediol (BDO) directly from sugars through a low impact process whose co-products are completely reused.
The presence of Mater-Biotech within the RIBES-Nest network will put the accent on a new development model through which to develop innovative technologies for the transformation of renewable resources (i.e. sugars, waste, industrial by-products) transforming them into products with high added value (i.e. bioplastics) through the parent company Novamont SpA at the service of the productive sectors of the supply chain that are regional.


The local company has been a leader in analytical services for the food, environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and consumer goods sectors, as well as in contract research and auditing activities for over 30 years. The team of researchers and experts provides advisory services to anticipate and manage specific or unexpected situations regarding food safety and integrity, guaranteeing a healthy ecosystem for health and nutrition and as transparent as possible in commercial terms. MN-C bases its strategies on the ability to provide the market with services that meet the expectations even in terms of environmental sustainability, preventing any form of pollution to protect the affected parties, pursuing the continuous improvement of its environmental performance.
The policy of continuous investments of the company in new technologies and in scientific research, mainly in innovative and high-tech sectors, constitute Mérieux Nutriscience – Chelab as a strategic partner for RIBES-Nest and a partner of reference at national and global level as it favors the interaction with some network partners.


The company is internationally known for the production of Electromedical devices aimed at Neurophysiological diagnosis and is able to conceive, design and implement both the hardware and the software of its equipment. The constant R & D activity is proof of the fact that Micromed stands as a company characterized by ever-changing borders and content.
Because of its specificity and its technologically innovative products, it can provide an effective contribution to the network, above all for the clinical approach and the prospects for application development. Furthermore, the technologies developed by Micromed provide diagnostics that address the issue of progressive aging of the population in economically advanced countries and the quantitative and qualitative increase in the demand for personal services that can guarantee a high quality of life.


The company deals with and produces gluten-free pregelatinized flours for pasta making and products with more perfectly calibrated and balanced components using corn and rice but also quinoa, amaranth, chia, teff, as well as legumes. MF, carries out continuous checks and is characterized by a growing curiosity, innovation and updating of skills as well as an attention to the customer so much so as to be considered a model for their own sector. Today, the market for gluten-free products combined with a more wholesome oriented market is considered an interesting development target and offers a wide, often unqualified, choice and, above all, lacking in technical characterizations. Thanks to the activation of collaborations with other companies in the sector and the consolidated relationships with some Knowledge Entities, the Partner can contribute to developing high quality products, starting from raw material and guaranteeing food safety and attention to health, enhancement of intermediate processing deriving from the grinding of cereals recovering its intrinsic nutritional values.


Molino Quaglia is a family business that grinds grains since 1914 and boasts a solid experience gained thanks to the work of four generations of millers who have been able to combine the quality of the craft with the most advanced technologies. Today, it is the only Italian mill, with industrial dimensions, to have developed a modern stone grinding process, which exploits the most advanced technologies for cleaning grain from foreign bodies, pests and mycotoxins in a production environment in order to protect the flour from external contamination, from the millstone up to its packaging. Attention to the raw material along with a short supply chain, the use of integrated agricultural techniques and the preservation through cold techniques instead of insecticides guarantee the healthiness of the product and maximum food safety. In this sense, Molino Quaglia is part of a solid network with its experience in ensuring that safety in taste and innovation can provide today’s consumers the flavors of the past and the nutritional balance and food security suitable for contemporary living.


Phoenix is characterized by the use of high technology in the fields of Photonics and Spectroscopy: it realizes dedicated optical systems, ranging from infrared to X-rays, on unresolved problems. Professionalism and skills have been applied in various fields: Vision systems; Spectroscopy; Hyperspectra in view and in IRImaging; Fluorescence techniques; Bio-Imaging, i.e. advanced and innovative technologies for real-time visualization of biological processes in living systems, from single cells to organisms; Development of software for vision. Phoenix is part of RIBES-Nest thanks to its skills that make it suitable to develop dedicated systems for Agro-food and Bio-Imaging. Due to its high level of specialization, it already interacts with different sectors such as agri-food, glass and pharmaceutical. The sector of R & D activities, the flexibility of the technologies applied to different sectors and the specialization of its staff are the guarantee of highly innovative systems aimed at solving complex problems.


The company is a leader in sustainable solutions for wastewater treatment and its related reuse thanks to over 7,000 successful installations in over 70 countries where it has demonstrated its ability to provide innovative solutions for water, waste water and energy. In addition, its collaboration with universities and national and international research centers allows it to develop innovative solutions that can contribute to the mitigation of climate change and global warming, soil erosion and water pollution, while maintaining the stability of ecosystems.
Its role in the network could be of particular importance to understand some difficult problems such as the production of energy from waste products of biological origin. Furthermore, the study of interesting solutions in the environmental field could increase the interaction between other Partners apparently distant by type of activity in the network, but with similar and/or confluent problems such as the transformation of food industry waste into renewable energy.


The company presents itself as a modern and efficient production facility that operates in the field of food supplements, dietary, functional and organic food and represents a young and dynamic reality in the approach and working methods (cutting-edge technologies, constant training), attention to the environment, etc.). In fact, Salix is characterized by the high quality of the products it supplies to different types of customers. It always emphasizes the detail applied to the sustainability of its product both from an environmental and social point of view and it guarantees a controlled and certified supply chain with quality products and scientific training as a supports to its customers.
Therefore, Salix represents an important player within the network and in the regional panorama. It is able to direct the production system towards more compatible structures with the evolution of international competitive scenarios, already strongly influenced by the search for eco-friendly products and by more selective processes with less, or null, environmental impact and oriented to improving the quality of life.


The company deals with extractions from medicinal plants and offers customized advice on behalf of third parties for the study of products formulated with a mixture of plants and/or other types of components, which can be configured as food supplements or cosmetics. This small company actively collaborates with the University of Padua, Ferrara and Veneto Agricoltura and is among the founding members of FIPPO (Italian Federation of Officinal Plants Producers).
Agripharma represents an important player within the network because it addresses a market, the health market through the use of natural products in rapid evolution, with competitive international scenarios and strongly conditioned by the demand for increasingly qualified products. In fact, personal care and wellbeing supported by adequate integration, represent a new and important trend in addition to the demand of eco-friendly products already in the selection of raw materials and the necessity of more selective processes with lower environmental impact.

SICIT 2000

Sicit 2000 was originally founded as a producer of amino acids and peptides for agriculture and soon became one of the world’s leading companies in the sector. The ownership’s attention to the quality of the product has led to the development of internal control laboratories in a company that deals with quality control, product traceability and R & D for new formulations and processes by performing a complete chemical-physical characterization and bacteriological amino acids and peptides, also for the purpose of solving environmental problems.
The partner’s contribution within the network may be to transfer skills on the value of specialization and concentration of production, safety levels and hygiene for the environment. In fact, the consolidated experience in the sector and the significant company know-how can engage endogenous development processes focusing on the appreciation of the quality of typical products with a specific focus on food safety, understood in terms of the absence of harmful substances for humans.


Smart Future is an Energy Service Company, certified UNI CEI 11352 that provides consulting in the energy and environmental, diagnostic services, design and implementation of energy redevelopment, incentive management. It provides energy measurement services through “web-based” systems for monitoring consumption and related costs on a two-dimensional matrix (energy carriers/plant areas), statistical analysis of correlation between consumption and production parameters (energy drivers).
SmartFuture,in optimizing and completing its activity of supplying products and services to its customers such as industries, municipalities and consortia, intends to contribute to the network in monitoring problems for an efficient management of energy and environmental resources with particular reference to the use of particularly innovative raw materials, such as nano and bio-nano-materials. The activities planned will provide elements for investments in the field of energy and sustainability to optimize production processes, ensuring a high quality of life.


Studio Bonini was created for the competence of its Founder Ercole Bonini and deals with technical assistance, services and/or simple advice on issues of protection and enhancement of intellectual property. Activities range from patenting to trademark filing, design and copyright protection, legal assistance and licensing, and training for companies, universities, research centers, researchers .… that innovate their products. The experience gained at the service of different types of companies gives the Studio Bonini a key and transversal role in the network as it ensures and identifies the best solutions for the protection and protection of intellectual property. Studio Bonini may also collaborate within the network in divulging an “active culture” for the protection of intellectual property. In this way, the rest of the RIBES-NEST partners who wish to develop and file patents and/or brands can be adequately supported by suitable and highly qualified information and indications to make appropriate choices.


Since 1984, Tectronik has marketed Electronic Analytical instrumentation for agriculture, food and health in Italy. The Company has started the development of its own line of instrumentation based on biosensors for the detection of significant analytes in the agri-food, environmental and clinical sectors since 2001. The R&D department is committed to bioelectronic sensors, dedicated to environmental issues, agri-food and clinical analysis. Particular attention is given to the biosensoristic systems for the quantitative detection of important analytes in food solutions (Ethanol, Glucose, Fructose, Malic acid).
In the commercial sector, there is a mature experience in the field of instrumentation to control temperature, humidity, pressure and pH in food products and, in the health field, recording systems for physical parameters necessary for the validation of autoclaves, lava instruments and sealers. Tectronik distributes Ebro Electronic, a world leader in the field of electronic measuring instruments, offering, in parallel, technical support-repairs and calibrations.


Telea Biotech is a modern and fast-growing company whose main activity consists of scientific research and design oriented to the production and marketing of biomedical, innovative and electronic engineering products and systems. The core business gives the company distinctive characteristics in which the factor of innovation is the prerequisite for the incorporation of scientific knowledge into new products or devices at high frequency and, in particular, tissue sections.
One of its roles within the network is to implement the existing or possible interactions between the public demand segment and the supporting institutions; that is, the training circuit of the technological knowledge necessary to produce innovation and to enter international markets. In addition, the company can transmit to the network its previous experience both in the field of intellectual property protection and in the resolution of serious human diseases (e.g. short bowel syndrome and esophageal atresia) in order to improve quality of life of the patient.


Telea E.E. is a modern company whose main activity consists of scientific research and design oriented to the production and marketing of bio-medical products and systems, innovative biomedical engineering and electronic medical devices in general, as well as research and experimentation in the field of Tissue Engineering.
Its role within the network will be to facilitate the achievement of general development objectives considered as priorities, such as: strengthening the collaboration between the healthcare world and industry; internationalization; the implementation and exploitation of intangible assets; enhancement of excellence; collaborations with universities and research centers, including international ones. In addition, the company is able to offer the network its experience in research towards products, designed and developed to ensure wellbeing and health and aimed at identifying solutions and solving problems in some human diseases to improve the quality of life of the patient with particular attention to degenerative diseases, often consequential to aging processes.


Valbona is a leader in the production of vegetable preserves with the recent addition of fresh V-range of products. It is equipped with technologically advanced systems that guarantee a high level of automation, production efficiency (e.g. grating systems) flanked by latest generation control instruments to guarantee product quality (X-rays and metal detectors).
Within RIBES-NEST, the company plays a particularly significant role because for years it has offered the market high quality products oriented towards respect for consumer health and consequently to quality of life also in terms of product safety and its environmental impact. The specific sensibility towards the environment of Valbona is demonstrated daily both through the attention towards the training of its employees and collaborators as well as in the acquired technologies. Last but not least, Valbona pays great attention to the environment. In fact, it is equipped with an activated sludge purifier for the biological purification of all the water used for the different processing phases.


+Watt is one of the few Italian integrators who internally produce most of its products. Founded from the idea of two researchers with PHDs in molecular biology and pharmacology, + Watt has developed and spanned in different areas in over twenty years : from the improvement of daily wellbeing to the active aging, from weight loss needs to different instances of sport activity and has become a reference point of many athletes and sports doctors. Compared to OTC and SOP drugs, the speed of innovation in supplements is considerably higher: the balance between new and/or known references is the advantage of the former, confirming the high rate of development and innovation. R&Ds contribution is fundamental to place a good product and innovation a fundamental element for the market.


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